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网址  2021-08-25  作者:admin    阅读:

The benefits of learning Jazz
1. 强化肌肉及关节灵活性。
1. Strengthen muscle and joint flexibility.
2. 训练手脚与大脑之间的配合。
2. Train the cooperation between hands, feet and brain.
3. 培养音乐节奏感及对舞蹈艺术的兴趣。
3. Cultivate the sense of music rhythm and interest in dance art.
4. 训练肢体协调性:爵士舞是一项全身活动,包括头、肩、手、腰、胯及腿,身体任何部分都充分运用。
4. Training body coordination: jazz dance is a whole body activity, including head, shoulder, hand, waist, hip and leg. Any part of the body can be fully used.
5. 训练耐性,增加自信:爵士舞不止帮助骨骼成长,练习过程中亦可培养专注耐性,建立自信。
5. Training patience and increasing self-confidence: jazz dance not only helps bone growth, but also cultivates concentration and patience and builds self-confidence.
6. 通过不断练习来培养恒心。
6. Develop perseverance through constant practice.
7. 减肥健身塑身。
7. Lose weight and keep fit.
8. 提升女性气质。
8. Enhance femininity.

