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网址  2022-06-16  作者:admin    阅读:

压腿分别为压前、旁、后腿。要注意腿部关节的直立,脚背向外打开绷直, 并保持上半身的直立。向下压至上半身和腿部之间的没有缝隙。特别注意的是胯部要端正。压旁腿和后腿的时候最容易出胯和斜胯,需要及时矫正。在压旁腿时,同侧的手扶住把杆,另一只手臂紧贴在耳边,向腿上靠近并向远处伸展,拉长旁腰。压后腿时,注意肩膀端平,颈部不要缩,撑住头部别掉下去,并向后伸展。
The pressing legs are respectively the front, side and rear legs. Pay attention to the uprightness of the leg joints, open the instep outward and straighten it, and keep the upper body upright. Press down on the upper body and no gap between the legs. Pay special attention to the correct crotch. When pressing the side leg and back leg, it is most easy to get out of the crotch and oblique crotch, which need to be corrected in time. When pressing the side leg, the hand on the same side should hold the lever, and the other arm should be close to the ear, close to the leg and extend to the distance to lengthen the side waist. When pressing the hind legs, pay attention to keeping the shoulders flat, don't shrink the neck, support the head, don't fall down, and stretch back.

