The origin of Latin dance can be traced back to a quite complex time, with each dance genre originating from different countries, with different backgrounds, histories, and development processes. However, the vast majority of them originate from the Americas, and they are a fusion of three cultures.
As early as the 16th century, European conquerors imported a large number of African black people to the American continent in order to obtain sufficient labor. By the 17th to 18th centuries, cultures from these three continents had gradually integrated on the American continent. As the main form of entertainment for the middle and lower classes, dance naturally fully reflects the integration of this culture, and with the later influx of European palace dance elements, these folk dances have further standardized, evolved, and improved.
After World War II, Americans spread these dances to various parts of the world, especially in Europe. Subsequently, Europeans standardized and processed these folk dances, and finally included Latin dance in global competitions in 1960, dividing it into five categories: rumba, samba, chacha, bullfighting, and cowboy. They also had unified regulations on their dance steps, beats, and other aspects.
第二次世界大战结束后,英国舞协再次把舞厅舞(国标舞)的搜集、整理和加工放在了工作首位,约在1950年,英国舞协在狐步舞、探戈舞、慢华尔兹和快步舞的基础上,又构建快华尔兹、恰恰舞、伦巴舞、牛仔舞、桑巴舞和斗牛舞的国标舞文字理论教学标准,使国标舞的舞种数量达到10种。约在1955年,国标舞的10种舞数量被确立下来,并一直沿用。此外,还把上述10种国标舞分割成摩登舞(华尔兹、探戈舞、快步舞、狐步舞、维也纳华尔兹)和拉丁舞(伦巴舞Ru型槽模具 一次性止血带 保定水处理设备 一次性止血带 保定空压机 北京真空泵mba、恰恰舞Chacha、捷舞Jive、桑巴舞Samba、斗牛舞PasoDoble)2类舞系。从而形成1套理论,2类舞系,10支舞种。 [1]
After the end of World War II, the British Dance Association once again placed the collection, organization, and processing of ballroom dance (national standard dance) at the forefront of its work. Around 1950, the British Dance Association built a theoretical teaching standard for national standard dance texts based on foxtrot, tango, slow waltz, and fast step dance, including fast waltz, chacha, rumba, cowboy, samba, and bullfighting dance, bringing the number of national standard dance genres to 10. Around 1955, the number of 10 national standard dances was established and continued to be used. In addition, the above 10 national standard dances were also divided into two dance genres: modern dance (waltz, tango, trot, foxtrot, Vienna waltz) and Latin dance (Rumba, Chacha, Jive, Samba, and PasoDoble). Thus forming a set of theories, 2 dance genres, and 10 dance genres. [1]